
Probate of Estates
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Facing court supervised formal probate can be a challenging and frustrating dilemma. Probate is the process of accounting for the assets of a deceased person, paying their final expenses, and distributing the remainder to the rightful people…

Summary Probate
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You won’t always have to face formal probate when a loved one passes. If the total amount of the deceased assets are less than the current statutory amount, other options are available. Your first task is to determine which assets to count toward the probate and which…

Trust Litigation
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You may face problems administering a trust or working with the trustee. You may be facing disputes with the trustee as a beneficiary. You might also be facing threats of litigation as a trustee yourself. Although trusts are a means to avoid probate, …

Spousal Property Petition
40 Years - 2014 175x175

The loss of your spouse is devastating. It can bring not only mourning but unsettled property matters for you and a sense of confusion and frustration with fear of probate. You may be able to use a spousal property petition, however, to simplify the process …

Trust Administration
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The average person has little or no experience dealing with trusts. As the settlor who created the trust and acts as the first trustee, things are fairly straight-forward. But as the successor trustee the rules are more complex and restrictive. New trustees have many …

Real Property Probate
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Your may have questions about selling real estate involved in a deceased’s estate. You may have heard that some properties can be sold without formal probate. You may also have to deal with the sale of larger properties and homes that must face court …

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A child’s guardian provides for his or her supervision and care when the parents are unavailable. Although technically a probate matter, guardianship involves social workers and the Department of Child and Family Services, and reviews factors…

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